Selective Mutism

Selective Mutism, commonly known as SM, is a severe anxiety disorder characterized by a child’s inability to speak in social situations despite their capability to communicate verbally. These children may exhibit vibrant and talkative personalities at home but remain silent in environments such as school, sport clubs, playgrounds, and around peers. For example, they might spend a whole summer without saying a word to other kids or counselors at camp, or they might rely on gestures instead of talking during the school year.

It's important to understand that this silence isn't by choice; it's because they feel extremely anxious. It's important to note that children do not grow out of SM, and families should seek professional help for the best outcomes.

Dr. Adelia provides treatment to children in both individual and group therapy formats (CUB Kids), offering extensive training in PCIT-SM skills to parents during these sessions. Treatment for selective mutism typically involves several steps, including:

  • Establishing speech with the clinician

  • Gradually introducing other communication partners in office or in the home

  • Collaborating with schools to facilitate speech and implement in-person or virtual training within the educational environment

  • Conducting community exposures with parent and child (e.g, ordering ice cream at the store, playing with peers in the neighborhood playground, etc.).

It's important to note that treatment plans are customized to each family's unique situation and needs. Dr. Adelia is passionate about her work and ensures that parents feel supported every step of the way on this journey.