Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)

PCIT is a highly effective, short-term, evidence-based treatment for children ages 2.5-7 with behavioral challenges.

Treatment focuses on teaching caregivers powerful tools to reduce their children’s difficult behaviors, improve the parent-child relationship, and increase cooperation and social skills. PCIT is unique in that it involves active, live, in-the moment coaching to help support you master the skills to improve your child’s behavior. PCIT typically takes between 12 and 20 sessions.

Sessions take place from the comfort of your home through telehealth. Research has shown that PCIT delivered by telehealth is as effective, if not more effective than PCIT delivered in person.

PCIT treats children who display:

  • Low frustration tolerance

  • Destruction of property

  • Easy loss of temper

  • Impulsivity (name calling, pushing peers, grabbing toys from others, etc.)

  • Difficulty staying seated

  • Refusing to follow directions

  • Excessive tantrums and outbursts

  • Parent-child relational problems

  • Peer issues

Is PCIT right for your family?

  • Do you have a child with challenging behaviors that are hard to manage?

  • Are you receiving frequent calls and emails from your daycare or school?

  • Do you feel like your child’s behaviors are contributing to a stressful household?

  • Do you want to reduce parent-child conflicts at home and have more fun with your child?

  • Are you worried about taking your child out in public due to her disruptive behavior?

I offer early morning PCIT sessions in order to try to reduce interference with the daycare/school routine.

To learn more about PCIT: